Volunteers transporting blood to hospitals and hospices across three counties have celebrated a "momentous milestone" in Bishop's Castle.

Bill C, a rider with Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes, completed the service's 25,000th job on Easter Sunday, April 4.

He collected a sample from a health worker at Bishop's Castle Community Hospital and delivered it to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

The emergency volunteer service charity provides urgent transportation of medical items for the National Health Service and hospices across Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire.

A photo was posted on the SSC Blood Bikes Twitter page of a health worker holding the special package next to the blood bike motorcycle before being transported 22 miles to the hospital in Shrewsbury.

"Today, thanks to all of the support we receive, we reached a momentous milestone. Bill C completed job 25,000.

"He collected a sample from Bishop’s Castle Community Hospital and delivered it to Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

"Here is one of our lovely NHS heroes handing it over!"