ALMOST half of people in Wales (48 per cent) would prefer to stay in lockdown until there is no chance of catching Covid-19, according to the latest Public Health Wales survey on attitudes toward coronavirus.

And the figure rises to almost two thirds (63 per cent) in those with health conditions linked with suffering more severe symptoms if infected.

The report of the latest survey also shows that 25 per cent of those with health conditions that leave them more vulnerable to the effects of the virus are worrying a lot about their mental health and wellbeing, compared to 14 per cent of those without such conditions.

The latest Covid-19 public engagement survey report from Public Health Wales covers the period April 13-June 7, during which more than 4,800 people were surveyed. The findings focus on people that have long term health conditions, as well as key workers in Wales.

The report also shows that 32 per cent of people with health conditions are worried about becoming seriously ill with the virus, compared with 18 per cent of those with no known conditions.

More than half of respondents (58 per cent) with health conditions think that people should be made to wear face masks in public places. But despite this, the current use of masks by those with health conditions when going out remains low (20 per cent).

The report also examines differences in views between those who are key workers and those who are employed elsewhere in the economy.

A quarter of key workers are worrying a lot about becoming seriously ill with the virus, compared with 19 per cent of employed non-key workers.

However, 16 per cent of key workers are worrying a lot about their finances, but this rises to 22 per cent in those who are employed but not considered key workers.


Each week, Public Health Wales is conducting interviews with hundreds of people aged 18 or over across Wales, to understand how Covid-19 and the measures being used to prevent its spread are affecting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of people in Wales.

“People who are at higher risk from Covid-19 infections are inevitably more cautious about how restrictions are eased," said Professor Mark Bellis, director of policy and international health at Public Health Wales.

"Even whilst restrictions remain in place, those vulnerable to developing more severe symptoms may feel great impacts on their mental health and wellbeing through worries about catching the virus and how they can return to a more normal way of life.

“Easing restrictions is a balance which requires continued protection of those most vulnerable to the harms that Covid-19 can cause, and ensuring that others can re-engage in work and social activities that are also critical to their continued health and wellbeing.”