A PUBLIC meeting is being organised to discuss proposals to build a £114 million green waste incinerator at Buttington Quarry.

Developers Broad Energy claim it could power more than 20,000 homes and create 35 permanent jobs.

Classed as a development of national significance, the application will be dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate for Wales rather than Powys County Council.

Powys County Councillor for the Trewern, Buttington, Middletown and Hope ward,  Amanda Jenner, has arranged the meeting to gauge local feeling ahead of Broad Energy's forthcoming consultation.

There residents, businesses and community groups/organisations can learn more more about the process and time frames.

Cllr Jenner said: “Although it is early stages and the public consultation has not yet started I want to make sure that my residents understand the process, planning application time scales and also how to find out about the proposed incinerator.

“I am their councillor and have been elected to represent the community view. It is important that people know that I want to hear from them and also how to formally register any concerns or support for the proposal.”

“I have informed the agent for Broad Energy about this meeting and they are welcome to attend.

"I look forward to chairing the meeting and seeing those who have an interest in this proposal there.”

If built the site would supply power to an eco-business park included as part of wider development plans by the quarry owners, but could also be offered to other users.

The fuel would be made up mainly of residual waste from industrial and commercial sources in Powys and neighbouring counties.

Alistair Hilditch-Brown, chief executive of the Broad Group, said: “The plans have been in development for some time so we are really happy to finally be bringing this project to the public."

“We’ve been working incredibly hard behind the scenes to make sure this project is right for all of Powys. "

It is expected that Powys County Council's Cabinet will discuss the project in the new year .

This would be as part of a wider discussion on how planning applications of national importance are dealt with.

As a statutory consultee the council will be expected to provide the planning inspectorate with an opinion on the plans.

The meeting organised by Cllr Jenner will take place on Friday,  December 14, at Buttington/Trewern Community Centre from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.