"NOT even Google translate could have got it that wrong and Welshpool Town Council should be ashamed of itself."

Comments made online by Welsh speakers who have criticised a translation into Welsh of a banner by Welshpool Town Council.

Behind the Town Hall Welshpool Town Council have placed a banner advertising this weekend's Transport Festival, with Free Park and Ride from the Livestock Market.

The Welsh version should read: "Gwyl Trafnidiaeth Canol Dref, Parciwch a Theithiwch and Ddim o'r Farchnad Da Byw."

But the mangled translation is: "Gorau Cludiant Canol Dref, Parc a Chride am Ddim o Farchnad Livestock."

Which when converted back to English reads: Transport Town Centre and there is no such word as "Chride."

In Wales, Welsh has the same status as English as an official language.

Public bodies such as County Councils, the Welsh Government and Police work bilingually and service users can expect to be spoken or written to in the language of their choosing.

There is an expectation that Town and Community Council, such as Welshpool Town Council will follow soon.

Indeed next week Welshpool Councillors will be discussing it own Welsh language policy.

The County Times asked Town Clerk, Robert Robinson, to explain the error.

Mr Robinson, explained: "I have no idea.

"When we do something in Welsh, we end up being told it's not the right type of Welsh.

"We do have a Welsh Language Plan that we are working towards and it will be dealt with by Councillors."

Cllr David Senior, has been working towards getting Welshpool Town Council to become more Welsh language friendly.

Cllr Senior, said: "When I passed the banner and I saw it, I did wonder if it might have been better just not to have the Welsh version as it is clearly embarrassing.

"We will learn lessons from this, the council is being criticised for making an effort which is better than in the past.

"The Welsh Language Policy will be coming before us at the next council meeting and several of us have been campaigning to makes sure that we do more and better.

"Ideally everything should be done bilingually and we need to see ongoing improvements."