A NUMBER of residents have raised concerns over the ‘Dangerous’ condition of Welshpool Train Station footbridge, during icy weather.

People have complained that the footbridge was a hazard to health due to the stretch of tarmac being left untreated during the icy weather of December 11 and 12.

Users of the station struggled over the platform and were even seen to slip on the ice. Responsibility for treating this stretch of ice over the bridge has so far not been claimed.

Three authorities own different sections of the footbridge but all have yet to claim overall repsonsibility.

Welshpool Town Council Clerk, Robert Robinson, said: “It is a difficult one, because part of the problem is the number of people who own different sections of the bridge. Powys County Council owns the tarmac up to the bridge, the Welsh Government owns the bridge itself and Arriva Trains Wales owns the part of the bridge which leads pedestrians to the platform.”

He said: “We at the council tried to help as much as we could by trying to grit the area but grit doesn’t work too well on ice.

“We did the best we could in the circumstances as the weather changed pretty fast. It is always difficult when these things happen suddenly and we advise people to take extra care under these circumstances.”

A spokesperson for Arriva Trains Wales said: “When the A483 bypass was built in the 1990s the station had to shift across to make way. As part of the work, the footbridge was installed linking the road, station and industrial estate. The footbridge did not come under the ownership of the railway. I’m not 100 per cent sure who is responsible – the Trunk Road Agency, County Council or Highways Authority.

“Powys County Council’ may be able to shed more light on this? We do however actively grit the platforms and clear snow when the weather is bad.”

The spokesperson said: “Our staff have been actively going out gritting the platform at Welshpool Station and clearing them of snow.

“We can only treat areas specifically within our lease area and unfortunately this does not include the footbridge at Welshpool linking the A483, the station and industrial estate. We would advise all our customers to take extra care making their way to the station when the weather is poor.”