AS it would now appear that the run-up to the general election has started, there seems to be a change in the air with the electorate no longer willing to accept just more of the same sleaze, incompetence, and more, as recent viewings of BBC Question Time have demonstrated.

Voters are now demanding better, and all depends on whether they make the right choice of MP. Sometimes allegiance to political party overrides factual records of integrity and common sense.


It has been suggested that both Herefordshire MPs will be returned to office with vast majorities, but why do they deserve such confidence?

As a constituent of North Herefordshire and based on my MP’s performance regarding my own problem with HM Government, I have no confidence in his ability whatsoever.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

He has claimed that he has worked assiduously on my behalf. Absolute bilge. He has never bothered to provide an interview, let along ruffle some government feathers.

So how best for me to ease this probably last chance general election to achieve belated (70-year) justice? I am certainly not putting my faith in the political party I worked so hard and long for – it no longer exists and its successor is without sufficient political nous.

So this coming time, my vote goes to Ellie Chowns. This is against a backdrop of being an active and loyal Liberal since 1945, a record not lightly given up.

