The public were asked for their help in identifying an unexplained object around a nesting set of ospreys in Powys - but the overwhelming response was this wasn't a UFO sighting.

The Dyfi Osprey Project  shared a video on its YouTube channel asking the public for their thoughts on two unexplained lights above the nest on Tuesday (April 15).

But the explanation appears to be that rather than lights coming down from above - it was a moth.

One viewer said: “The circling light in front of the camera looks like a moth to me, definitely doesn't look like a laser in my opinion. Lights along the side if that's also what you're referring to are possibly by the railway, maybe people working overnight?

“The flashing light in the background over the hill appears to be either a helicopter (police, air ambulance etc) or plane, frequently see this at night over the house.”


Another suggested it might be be more of an astronomical event and said: “Moth.  Plus lights over hills - I was pinged for solar flares and thus Aurora Borealis around that time.”

Another thought it could be from the military – “The flashing lights over the distant hills look like the navigation lights on an aircraft or helicopter.  Not far from the Mach Loop here, so could there be military training exercises going on, preparing for deployment to the Middle East?  Who knows.”

Another viewer added: “The little beetle zapping about above the nest appears to be on speed. We've caught them on Beith's trailcams, as well as foxes, badgers and the occasional dog otter. The lights on the right seem to follow the railway. As to the flashing lights, choppers on night exercise?”

See the video below: