People have two weeks left to give their views on proposals to close Churchstoke County Primary School.

Under the proposals by Powys County Council, the village school would shut by September 2022, with pupils sent to the nearest alternative school

The council said it is part of plans to "reconfigure and rationalise" the primary school provision in the county as part of its Strategy for Transforming Education in Powys 2020-2030.

Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Education and Property, said: "We are committed to transforming the learner experience and entitlement for our learners.

"Our strategy is ambitious, exciting and we believe it will give our learners the best possible start they deserve. However, as we start to implement it, we will be faced with significant decisions as we look to address some of the challenges facing education in Powys which include the high proportion of small schools in the county, decreasing pupil numbers and the high number of surplus places.

"This proposal has not been reached lightly but we have ensured that the best interest of the learners at this school were at the forefront of our discussions and decision-making.

"If this school is to close, then the learners would be attending schools that would be better equipped to meet the requirements of the new national curriculum and that could provide a wider range of educational and extra-curricular opportunities.

"However, it is important that the people of this school community as well as the wider area have their say on this proposal. I would urge them to send their views so that they can be considered."

To respond to the consultation, people can:

  • Ask for a paper copy of the consultation document by phoning 01597 826618 or emailing
  • Write to or via post at Transforming Education Team, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG

The consultation will close on Wednesday, June 9.