Arthur Milton Jones Hoffem fel teulu ddiolch am eich caredigrwydd ac am rannu eich atgofion annwyl ohonno. Diolch am eich presenoldeb yn yr angladd ac am eich rhoddion ffeind er cof amdano. Diolch i'r ffrindiau a gyfrannodd at oedfa deimladwy. Diolch i Mr Geraint Peate am ei waith anrhydeddus ac i Rita am drefu a gweini te. The family would like to thank you all for your kindness and for sharing your special memories with us. Thank you for your attendance at the funeral and for your generous donations. Sincere thanks to the friends who contributed to a memorable funeral service, to Mr Geraint Peate for his sensitive arrangements and to Rita for providing the refreshments.