BUILTH Wells Rugby Club plans to host a protest march to tackle dog fouling which has become a scourge affecting its players.

The club has been gaining attention via social media for its efforts to tackle the increasing amount of dog fouling on The Groe in the town.

Club president Mike Price has been addressing the public with live Facebook videos, to gain support to put a stop to dog fouling on the Builth Wells Rugby Club site and in other areas around the town centre.

The videos have proved very popular with many people leaving supportive comments, providing a platform for discussion on how the town can tackle this issue.

Mr Price said: “It is totally unacceptable, it cannot go on like this. These dog owners need to man up. People in Builth Wells need to do something about this, it has got to stop.”

Mr Price has now announced that a peaceful protest against dog fouling will take place on Saturday December 9, at 12.30pm.

The march will be an opportunity for residents to show their support for the club’s efforts to combat the problem.

Mr Price said: “I have received so much support on Facebook, the march will be a peaceful one and will help us gauge the amount of feeling there is against all this dog fouling.

“I have received so many calls thanking me for my help, but the one that shocked me the most was one from a father who said he refused to let his children play sports on our fields because of the amount of this horrible and dangerous muck.

“The real answer is to catch and educate these useless morons.

“Please note, good dog owners should not fear this and should just carry on as they have been doing and picking up after their dog.”

The protest will take place on Saturday December 9, starting on The Groe, at 12.30pm, the group will then march through the town at 12.45pm. All are welcome to join in.